As I mentioned before, for some reason I have no pictures of my kitchen cabinets. Please hold while I go take a round of befores...("Girl from Ipanema" plays while we wait.)
Thank you for holding. Behold my kitchen! (Yes, I had to take cell phone pictures because I suddenly live in the Bermuda Triangle of digital cameras.)
This here is a closeup of the wallpaper. I started pulling wallpaper and left nothing to show in a good picture.
So yes, the kitchen has always looked terrible. Thank you for asking.
Next steps:
-Borrow a steamer from a friend and tackle the rest of this paper in stages
-Re-tape and mud the drywall, I think, because the tape is peeling off with the paper
-Prime the living hell out of the yellowed drywall
-Paint it, maybe some kind of sunny yellow
In the future:
-Remove the acoustic tile
-Finish the ceiling with drywall and maybe box in the beam hidden by the drop ceiling
-Replace the aluminum-framed casement window with a double-hung
-Move the cabinets up 6 inches
-Put down any other kind of flooring than the stained, yellowed vinyl that makes me want to wear shoes all the time, no matter how clean I know it is
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